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Legs MC – The Anti Social Media EP

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This album was originally recorded for no-one to hear. I just wanted to make music for the sake of making it and bringing about my own inner peace. As humans we used to write stories and make music because it was something we could do, nowadays it feels like people are JUST doing it for social media reach….which is well lame. With the Social Media algorithm strangling any musicians reach while causing damage to everyone’s mental health I have decided to step away from Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. These tracks are expressing some of my thoughts on those platforms. However, I have also made a return to how I used to make music when I first started – with no concern for whether anyone hears it or whether it makes any sense to anyone but me. As I say on track 3, “it’s a joke, it’s a letter in a bottle…” I love making beats and recording, I cannot stand self promotion or “begging it” on socials. Everyone should read “The Anxious Generation” and find out what social media and smartphones are doing to the youth of today. Put down the phone and have a listen….or don’t. It’s all good. Just enjoy yourself x credits released February 27, 2025

Talenkoprod, Kazu à la prod , Le Dam's - guerriers de l'ombre vol 2


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