“Keep It Rocking” by South Bay Area rap artist China Mc Cloud is now available on all music platforms. The new single comes from his recently released project titled “Ambitions.”
The new single is upbeat, energetic, and a perfect fit for the South Bay Area rappers trademark flow.
There is a contemporary retro feel to the track, overall. The futuristic elements are sprinkled throughout the track. The backing vocals of China Mc Cloud draws listeners in, to engage in a head knock and body rock rhythm. This is a perfect party track.
Listen to China Mc Cloud’s “Ambitions” album today!
Song link to all music platforms: https://lynkify.in/song/keep-it-rocking/CGNOL40Y
Album link to all music platforms: https://lynkify.in/album/ambitions/P7cNlJE0
Social/Music: https://linktr.ee/chinamccloud